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Funktion von Heelbopps

HEELBOPPS, made in Germany!


PIMP and PERSONALIZE your PUMPS, while PROTECTING  your high-heels from remaining stuck in grids and stones on the streets or in soft grounds and grass.
With HEELBOPPS you will always walk like a STAR and appear  GLAMOROUS, SEXY and FEMININE throughout day and night.
HEELBOPPS fit onto all high-heels of more than 6cm height and up to 1,3cm diameter. Twist slightly when putting them on or taking them off the heels.
In case that your shoes heels are very thin, e.g. less than 0,6cm diameter, use an elastic tape wrapping it around the lower part of each heel and place HEELBOPPS on top.  You would never loose them, but like this you keep them always in the right position, even on super thin heels.


Heelbopps Instruction 1

HEELBOPPS are the first ATTACHABLE HEELS worldwide that do not change the silhouette of the stiletto and therefore don’t change the walking symmetry. They simply ENLARGE the STEPPING SURFACE towards the front, underneath the foot’s centre of gravity and STABALIZE.

Heelbopps Instruction 2

HEELBOPPS fit on ANY SPIKED HEEL up to 1.3cm diameter, (measured on 5cm height) no matter which form the heel has.

Heelbopps Instruction 3

NO FEAR while attaching to the stiletto! The lamellae on the inside are soft! If the heel of your shoe is a little thicker, you will have to PUSH it in with a bit more FORCE and JOLT for it to dive all the way to the sole – you can give it a little push with your own weight by putting on the shoe and standing on the heel.

Heelbopps Instruction 4

… should the heel be too thin, simply wrap a RUBBER around the lower part of the spiked heel and PUT HEELBOPPS ON TOP.
